In 2014, Chris Hall embarked on a mission of unwavering dedication with 'Wheel 4 MND', a fundraising initiative sparked by a colleague's battle with Motor Neurone Disease (MND).
Confronted by the harsh reality of no cure, Chris, moved by deep sadness, resolved to take action. Wheel 4 MND emerged as his determined response, a fundraising effort marked by sheer persistence.
Despite encountering obstacles, especially during the pandemic, Chris pressed on, relying on word of mouth for donations. His monthly 50km wheelchair journey, symbolising commitment, faced a pause due to the pandemic, yet his determination remained unyielding.
Undaunted by challenges, Chris adapted and persevered. His 2024 goal is clear - surpassing $50,000 in total funds raised. Beyond fundraising, Wheel 4 MND stands as a testament to compassion, stressing the imperative need for an MND cure.
Chris epitomises dedication, showcasing that giving up is not an option. In the face of adversity, Chris Hall serves as an exemplary example of someone who doesn't merely talk but takes tangible steps toward what matters.
His mission is a beacon, and he wants people to grasp the depth of personal commitment fueled by empathy. For those contemplating their own ventures, Chris imparts a resounding message: "Do it. If you have a passion, go ahead and do it."
If you'd like to support Chris by making a donation, you can do so by clicking here.